About Us
Sabine Engelhardt
The camp Gea Viva - eco island retreat is owned by Sabine Engelhardt.
A keen lover of the Earth, I live in a tiny house at my eco smallholding and cultivate a dialogue with the seen and invisible dimensions of nature through practical work, meditation, rituals, celebration, Yoga and sacred circles. I came to the island Brac guided by a message in meditation, and this started my quest to explore simple eco living and the sacred feminine.
I have always had a close connection with nature and the ability to see. My deep wish to balance our human needs with nature took me from cabinetmaking to eco architecture and finally to geomancy, the art of communicating with the sacred realms of the Earth and all its beings. Nature has been the most important teacher during my spiritual journey.
I believe that the keys to creating the world we desire is that more humans become conscious, align themselves with the highest love frequency and re-connect with the sacred realms of the Earth. My life centres around preparing for this new Era. Clive Johnson interviewed me in Summer 2024 and here are the podcasts he produced:
Podcast 1
Podcast 2
A Yoga teacher, Permaculturist and eco architect, I offer Yoga, guided meditations, retreats and healing circles, guided tours of Gea Viva and overnight stays at this healing field. I also produce a range of organic products made from our own olives and medicinal herbs.
Gea Viva means the Earth is alive.
Here at Gea Viva we believe that spending time in nature and getting your hands dirty nourishes your soul and restores your inner balance. Thus we re-establish the our initial state of being fully connected to all living beings and become able to live in harmony with the Earth.
At Draceva Luka and the dragon’s cave above the hamlet Murvica on Brac I sensed strong heart energy and the presence of priestesses in Neolithic times. In collaboration with a number of Geomancy colleagues, I initiated Earth healing projects for the island and we also created two stone circles.
One of them is the stone circle auditorium “Celebrating the power of the heart” here at Gea Viva, which gives an impulse to find a more heart-based way of being to overcome the problems our disconnected consumerist society has created.

The stone circle auditorium “Celebrating the power of the heart” here at Gea Viva.
Created by Ivana Petan, Annette Frederking, Urša Vidic, Ingrid Tasch, Manuela Kaniški, Margan Kalb and Sabine Engelhardt it features 13 hand-carved reliefs, each of which embodies a distinct impulse for transformation,
About the charity Gea Viva
The charity branch of Gea Viva was founded in 2011 by Alda Gerchi, Ursa Vidic and Sabine Engelhardt. It runs courses for local children and adults, offers Yoga, workshops, retreats, a Permaculture volunteering programme and women’s circles.
Through the circles of wise women we support humanity’s current transition and work on the rebalancing and healing of masculine and feminine energies.
If you wish to make a donation to the charity Gea Viva, here are the details:
Gea Viva | Prodolina 864 | 21405 Milna | Island Brac | Croatia
Bank Details for transfers in Euros
Find out more about Gea Viva in this documentary by the Croatian Television.
Some photos on this website were taken by Jet ter Halle and Maja Pogacnik.